TO APPLY Application techniques will vary by grower, depending
on available equipment, area to be treated and personal preference. The primary
objective is to get a sufficient quantity of the Off-Shoot-O spray mixture in
contact with each growing point so that it is wet with the Off-Shoot-O emulsion BACK
TRIALS Experiment with a few dozen plants of each variety before
spraying a large number of plants. This pretest can be done with a small hand
sprayer that delivers a fine mist. Several types of hand sprayers have been used
to satisfactorily to apply Off-Shoot-O. Be sure to spray enough material on each
plant so that it is wet to the point of run-off. Spray from all sides of the plant
so that you get uniform coverage. BACK
TRIALS Intermediate sized applications can be done with 1-3 gallon
pump-up sprayers as long as the nozzle is used that delivers a fine spray. Some
of the adjustable nozzles deliver a spray which is too coarse, and these should
be avoided. The
Off-Shoot-O emulsion should be applied at 20-40 pounds pressure with the sprayer
nozzle being 12-18 inches from the plant. If possible the entire area to be sprayed
should be covered in one pass. If you cannot cover the bed in one pass, you should
use shield to avoid delayed overlapping spray. The spray nozzle should be directed
downward on the plant so that you get adequate coverage and run down. BACK
AREA APPLICATION To apply Off-Shoot-O to large areas, a motorized
sprayer should be used. The can be tractor mounted or operated with a long hose.
With a motorized sprayer the Off-Shoot-O emulsion should be applied with a pressure
of 20-40 pounds and the sprayer nozzles should be 18-24 inches from the plant.
Foliar damage can result from driving the material into the foliage at high pressure. BACK
TO MIX 1. Place the required amount of Off-Shoot-O (as determined
by pretesting) into a clean container. 2. Add an equal amount of water slowly
while stirring. 3. Mix thoroughly. 4. Fill container to desired level
with tap water. 5. Mix thoroughly. The emulsion should be milky and stable. BACK
LARGE QUANTITIES When mixing large quantities for power spraying
Off-Shoot-O, premix required amount of Off-Shoot-O concentrate in a 5 or 10 gallon
container. Place total amount of Off-Shoot-O in container. Add water slowly while
thoroughly mixing until product thins and turns cloudy. This mixture is now ready
to add to spray tank. Add cool water to required level. Agitate or recirculate
to obtain uniform spray mixture. BACK
FOR SPRAYING Off-Shoot-O has been used under a variety of temperature,
humidity, light intensity and wind velocity conditions. Although some generalizations
are meaningful, it is recommended that conditions for spraying large areas be
as similar to the pretesting conditions as possible. Excellent results are usually
achieved if the temperature is between 55 F and 88 F; the relative humidity is
between 30% - 70%; and there is a gentle breeze or slight air movement. Spraying
in still air and high temperature and humidity is not recommended as the possibility
of foliar burn is increased under these conditions. Running the greenhouse fan
for at least five minutes prior to spraying and during spraying will help avoid
problems. Since the emulsion must remain in contact with he growing tips for one
hour, do not spray plants grown outdoors in an immediate threat of rain. BACK
TO APPLY Prior to treating a large number of plants, a few plants
of each variety should be tested with several different concentrations of diluted
emulsion. Plants growing rapidly respond to lower concentrations of Off-Shoot-O
than do plants growing slower. Differences in response have been noted among different
varieties of Azaleas. Differences in response have also been noted in the same
variety grown under differing conditions (day length, temperature, fertilizer
rate, light intensity, etc.). Therefore, it is important to test each variety
each time a large group of plants is to be treated. BACK
RECOMMENDATIONS To chemically pinch Azaleas, use 2-5 ounces Off-Shoot-O
per quart of water (8-20 ounces per gallon). Apply when the plants are actively
growing and new shoots are 1-2 inches long. BACK
SELECTION Any nozzle which delivers a fin spray and gives thorough
coverage of the plant from all directions is satisfactory. The spray pattern can
be flat, or solid cone, as long as care is used in application. BACK